Developing a Successful Business Plan

Developing a Successful Business Plan


A well-crafted business plan can be a blueprint for success. This multifaceted tool is as important to established CrossFit owners looking to grow their business as it is to budding entrepreneurs.

A business plan defines your business, outlines your goals, and lays a strong foundation for achieving them. A valuable resource for investors and lenders, a strong business plan can help you secure capital for expanding operations. As your Affiliate grows, your plan will help you respond to changes in the marketplace and fitness industry. Let’s take a closer look at three essential business plan elements: the executive summary, the business description, and the financial data.

 1. Executive Summary

First impressions are everything, and this quick snapshot of your Affiliate has the potential to attract or discourage investors. This is your opportunity to effectively summarize your company’s history and articulate your mission:

  • Briefly explain the employee and management structure.
  • Describe your location and facilities.
  • Provide relevant financial information.
  • Disclose strategic corporate relationships.
  • Highlight key accomplishments.

By the end of your executive summary, you want your readers to know about your products and/or services, understand the demand for your business, and believe in your potential for success.

 2. Business Description

After a compelling introduction, it’s time to provide details. Here, it is important to accomplish the following:

  • Describe your business.
  • Identify your Affiliate’s niche in the marketplace.
  • Demonstrate your industry knowledge.

As you know, there must be a market for your products/services, and your business plan can outline how you are going to attract and maintain that market. Ask yourself some basic questions:

  • What are you selling?
  • Who are your clients?
  • Who is your competition?
  • What makes your gym unique?

In answering these questions, demonstrate the ways in which various components of your business work in concert to accomplish your objectives. For example, how does your location support your business? What experience do you bring to your operation? What are the specialized skills of your coaches? Remember, your intent is to construct a winning approach and make your readers confident about your business.

3. Financial Data

Here, startups need to project future performance, while established Affiliates need to detail the historic performance of their companies, as well as project future earnings. Include three key financial documents:

Lenders in particular may focus on your cash flow statement, which details how money is earned and spent in your business, because poor cash-flow management can sink even profitable businesses. From their perspective of the lenders, accurately projecting cash flow is essential to meeting your financial obligations. Lending aside, effective cash-flow management can benefit your business by helping you maintain liquidity, minimize your credit obligations, and minimize your interest expenses. Check out my blog on 10 Ways To Improve Your Affiliate Cashflow for more information.


The Sky’s the Limit


Think of your business plan as a building with many floors, each fulfilling a function. The function of the foundation is, of course, to present the information that can make your plan a tool for raising capital. If you shortchange this part of your plan, it’s possible that your Affiliate will barely get you off the ground.

Additional functions of a well-engineered business plan include helping you manage daily operations, make decisions in line with your ultimate objectives, and stay on track with your plans for growth.

To keep pace with change, review your plan every year and revise it, as needed. If your business plan helps your business adapt to market fluctuations, industry developments, and business advances, the sky’s the limit.



We are not permitted to offer, and no statement contained herein shall constitute, tax or legal advice. Individuals are encouraged to consult with a qualified professional before making any decisions about their personal situation.

This material is intended to provide general information to help you understand basic financial planning strategies and should not be construed as financial advice. All investments are subject to risk including the potential loss of principal. No investment strategy can guarantee a profit or protect against loss in periods of declining values. 

The information contained in this material is believed to be reliable, but accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed; it is not intended to be used as the sole basis for financial decisions. If you are unable to access any of the news articles and sources through the links provided in this text, please contact us to request a copy of the desired reference.


Delegate Your Way to Success

If you are like many Affiliate Owners, there may never seem to be enough hours in the day. Yet, once a box reaches a certain size, it can become increasingly difficult to rely solely on the efforts of one person alone to keep things running smoothly. Although you may realize that empowering your coaches will free up some of your valuable time so you can attend to other aspects of the business, you want to be sure the quality of your services doesn’t suffer. Given these concerns, delegating authority can be challenging.

If you think you could benefit by loosening the reins a bit, here are some suggestions to help make the process of delegating responsibility easier:

Make gradual changes.

A gradual transfer of power can help you gauge how much responsibility your coaches are ready to take on, while providing you with the opportunity to develop your leadership skills. Even if you’re pressed for time, resist the urge to unload duties onto unprepared workers. A slow approach will help ensure your workers have adequate time to receive the necessary training to successfully assume their new duties.

Select managers carefully.

Choose individuals in whom you have confidence and who possess the skills and abilities to meet or exceed your expectations. Recognize that not everyone has the ability to be an effective manager. Although a coach may handle certain tasks well, he or she may not excel at supervising others.

Clarify the scope of responsibility.

One of the keys to a successful transition is to clarify the scope of the responsibility you are assigning. Is it for a specific task or a broad responsibility? Also, inform your new manager how much leeway he or she will have when carrying out the newly delegated duties.

Support those you appoint.

Allow time for everyone to adjust to the new chain of command. Once you delegate authority, announce the decision to your employees. Then, support your new manager, even if you must mediate disputes with employees who prefer doing things the “old way.” If you witness an employee trying to make an “end run” around the newly appointed manager, firmly reiterate your support.

Be open to input.

Strive for a balance between keeping things as they were when you were in charge, and giving your appointee a say in how things will be managed going forward. Try to welcome your new manager’s input if he or she brings in a fresh perspective.

Let go.

Once you see that your new manager is handling his or her authority well, let go. One of the greatest rewards of delegating responsibility is that it can free you up to shift your attention to larger business concerns.

Once an Affiliate reaches a certain size, many owners find they can no longer handle all aspects of the business effectively. Delegating authority is a necessary skill to allow your business to flourish at this stage. These suggestions can help you learn to relinquish responsibility to others, adding more hours to your day and leaving you free to attend to the one job only you can handle—furthering your company’s growth.



We are not permitted to offer, and no statement contained herein shall constitute, tax or legal advice. Individuals are encouraged to consult with a qualified professional before making any decisions about their personal situation.

This material is intended to provide general information to help you understand basic financial planning strategies and should not be construed as financial advice. All investments are subject to risk including the potential loss of principal. No investment strategy can guarantee a profit or protect against loss in periods of declining values. 

The information contained in this material is believed to be reliable, but accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed; it is not intended to be used as the sole basis for financial decisions. If you are unable to access any of the news articles and sources through the links provided in this text, please contact us to request a copy of the desired reference.

10 Ways To Improve Your CrossFit Affiliate Cash Flow

Cash flow, as it relates to a small business environment, is the inflow and outflow of income. Cash flow Management is the process of allocating income outflows and inflows in a more efficient way than would otherwise happen naturally. The goal is to maximize cash flow; squeezing the most out of the inflows and reducing the cost of outflows so that more money ends up in your pocket.

Below I have outlined ten ways you can improve a box’s cash flow, some of which will be applicable to your personal finances as well!


1)   Do not mix business and personal income and expenses

Establish a business credit card, checking, savings, and investment accounts from the very beginning. Use a/the business account for business transactions and personal accounts for personal use. Set up a paycheck system, such as paying yourself every two weeks or on the 15th and 30th of the month, even when you don’t have any income yet. Avoid the temptation of dipping into your business account for an impulse buy decision just because you can.


2)   Anticipate and plan for fat and lean months

Most retail businesses are cyclical, and your CrossFit box is probably too. You will have fat months (think January/February) and lean months (June/July). Do not be so quick to distribute or reinvest the extra inflow in fat months. You may need it during the lean months or in case of an emergency. Which leads me to…


3)   Establish and maintain an Emergency Fund

You’ve heard this before. Having an adequate emergency fund for personal and business use is a prudent financial planning technique. The purpose of an Emergency Fund is to provide capital in case of an emergency. Since emergencies typically don’t provide any forewarning, you should plan as if there is a 100% chance of an emergency. Avoid investing your Emergency Fund into high-risk vehicles such as the stock market.


4)   Utilize high interest savings account for idle cash

Whether it’s your Emergency Fund or cash you have set aside to purchase five Assault Bikes next month, utilizing a high interest savings account can put some cash in your pocket. CIT Bank is currently offering 1.35% APY with $100 minimum deposit and will even give you a bonus of $100 if you qualify for the bonus. Synchrony Bank is offering 1.30% APY with no minimums. Since in today’s day and age it can take less than three days to transfer from your savings account to a checking account using Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), it makes a lot of sense to utilize a high yield savings account as much as possible.


5)   Anticipate and plan for Self-Employment Tax

Self-Employment Tax is your portion of Social Security and Medicare tax. When an individual is self-employed, she/he has to pay both the employer and employee portion of this tax since self-employed individuals are considered both. For 2017, the tax is 15.3%, consisting of 12.4% of Social Security tax (up to $127,200 of income) and 2.9% of Medicare an all income (no cap). Self-Employment Tax is due April 15th, June 15th, September 15th, and January 15th.

April is especially a heavy tax month since you may have Self-Employment tax due as well as prior year’s tax underpayment. Penalties for tax underpayment can be pretty steep. This is where a solid Emergency Fund may be very helpful.


6)   Maximize your credit card rewards

Try to deliberately use credit cards that best match your business(give you cash-back, miles, etc.). Many times, you may have a choice of using cash or credit when paying for business expenses. Since paying with cash (or check) doesn’t give you any benefits, wisely utilizing credit cards can put some money back in your pocket.

For business use, I especially like credit cards that offer a competitive cash back feature. Currently, I like Barclays CashForward World Mastercard that offers unlimited 1.5% cash back, $200 bonus when you spend $1,000 within the first 90 days, no annual fee, and 5% cash rewards redemption bonus. I also like the Chase Freedom Unlimited that offers unlimited 1.5% cash back, no annual fee, and a $150 bonus after you spend $500 in the first 3 months.

As a general rule of thumb, the IRS considers credit card rewards to be a form of a discount and not income; so this extra money is tax-free. Keep in mind however, that for business use, any cash back you receive lowers your costs and therefore the amount you can deduct for business use.


7)   Take advantage of Free Money

In addition to cash back rewards, credit cards offer another great feature: 0% financing. Let’s say you are trying to buy 5 Assault Bikes and have the option to pay for them with cash (maybe dipping into your emergency fund) or using a 0% for 12 months credit card. From a cash flow perspective, utilizing a 0% loan is the better alternative as long as you are disciplined enough to pay it off within the term. Not only is it easier to cash flow such an expenditure, but that cash you were going to spend is earning you interest in the high interest savings account you setup earlier. Currently, Citi Diamond Preferred and Citi Simplicity Card offer 21 month 0% introductory APR and no annual fee.


8)   Create Incentives for prepaying

Most businesses utilize this tactic and you ought to consider it as well. There is a certain value that comes from when a client prepays for the next three, six, or twelve month period. Aside from the fact that getting a $1 today is more valuable than getting it a year from now, it helps you more accurately project your future cash flows, earn interest on that money, and provide money for equipment/expansion/etc.

It’s valuable to you so make it valuable to your community. You can offer a small cash discount, merchandise, or an additional service such as an hour of personal training. Make sure your community is well aware of any incentives that you offer.


9)   Consider subscription based sales

When you buy a recurring product online such as protein or FitAid, they try to get you to sign up for a subscription(i.e. receive a case every month) and offer a small discount to entice you do so. They got it right. Not only does it commit the buyer for a longer term and in turn is more profitable, but it also helps with cash flow. Again, make sure your community is well aware of any offer your have made available to them.


10)      Work with a professional

You may have already come to the realization that you cannot do everything.  There is a whole lot of value that comes from outsourcing certain tasks. Time, knowledge, perspective, and expertise are some of the reasons why your clients hired you and they are some of the reasons you should consider working with someone. You may have heard that the biggest risk comes from not knowing what you don’t know... not from what you do know. 


Ask yourself, what business are you in? If it's not a cash flow management business, than you probably shouldn’t be doing it.

I hope that you find this blog post valuable. If there are other topics that you would like me to write about, please send your suggestions to


We are not permitted to offer, and no statement contained herein shall constitute, tax or legal advice. Individuals are encouraged to consult with a qualified professional before making any decisions about their personal situation.

This material is intended to provide general information to help you understand basic financial planning strategies and should not be construed as financial advice. All investments are subject to risk including the potential loss of principal. No investment strategy can guarantee a profit or protect against loss in periods of declining values. 

The information contained in this material is believed to be reliable, but accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed; it is not intended to be used as the sole basis for financial decisions. If you are unable to access any of the news articles and sources through the links provided in this text, please contact us to request a copy of the desired reference.

Partnering with Outside The Box Financial Planning offers numerous benefits for individuals seeking retirement planning, small business support, wealth management, and beyond.  With their fiduciary duty, comprehensive approach, unbiased advice, transparent fee structure, and ongoing support, OTBFP act as a trusted advisor who prioritizes your best interests. Click here to schedule a complimentary “Fit” meeting to determine if we would make a good mutual fit.

Remember, financial decisions have long-lasting implications, and working with a professional can provide the expertise and guidance necessary to make informed choices that align with your financial aspirations. 

However, if you would like to take a shot at building a financial plan on your own, we offer our financial planning software, RightCapital, free of charge. Click here to get started.